Hi everyone. I do so hope you are keeping well and safe through this strange period of time. We are open for essential and emergency eye care through this period to look after our patients and anyone else who is unable to visit their own optician through either distance or that they are closed. We can still supply spectacles and contact lenses and both can be posted direct to home where needed to help on the social distancing side of things. So do not hesitate to contact us if there is anything we can do to help.
If you have any concerns about your eyes or vision then please do not just leave-contact the practice and one of our professional team can at least telephone triage your query, but can arrange an appointment in the practice to check the eyes if needed. We operate in this period on a ‘locked door’ policy as guided by NHS Wales-so you will be the only patient in at that time and we will obviously take all the necessary precautions to protect both yourself and any member of staff you see.
We are here to help and help in any way that we can.
KEEP SAFE and if all is well at the moment as regards your eyes then we look forward to seeing you again in the near future when the restrictions are lifted. Let us all hope that is not too long!
Best wishes,
Ian Chalmers